World Diabetes Day

Nov 14, 2016 10:21
Today is World Diabetes Day.

Diabetes is a kind of disease that makes blood sugar level rise chronically, and it occurs when insulin which lowers blood sugar level doesn't work.

In reaction to the fact that diabetic patients have increased throughout the world, WHO specified November 14 as World Diabetes Day in 1991.

November 14 is the birthday of Frederick Grant Banting, who discovered insulin.

In this day, various facilities are lighted up blue all over the world, and several events and symposiums related to diabetes are held.

The blue light up comes from the World Diabetes Day's symbol "blue circle."

However, according to a study at Northwestern University published in PLOS ONE in this year, the risk of diabetes might increase by being exposed blue light.







しかし、今年 PLOS ONE に掲載されたのノースウェスタン大学の研究によると、ブルーライトを浴びることで糖尿病のリスクが増加する可能性があるとのことです。
No. 1 Hawley's correction
  • World Diabetes Day
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Today is World Diabetes Day.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Diabetes is a kind of disease that makes blood sugar level rise chronically, and it occurs when insulin which lowers blood sugar level doesn't work.
  • Diabetes is a kind of disease that makes blood sugar level rise chronically,. and It occurs when insulin, which lowers blood sugar level, doesn't work.
  • In reaction to the fact that diabetic patients have increased throughout the world, WHO specified November 14 as World Diabetes Day in 1991.
  • In reaction response to the fact that diabetic patients have increased throughout the world, in 1991 WHO specified November 14 as World Diabetes Day in 1991.
     Text in blue is a bit of a roundabout way of saying it. "increasing rate of diabetes across the world". You may also want to specify what WHO stands for.
  • November 14 is the birthday of Frederick Grant Banting, who discovered insulin.
  • November 14 is the birthday of Frederick Grant Banting, the scientist who discovered insulin.
  • In this day, various facilities are lighted up blue all over the world, and several events and symposiums related to diabetes are held.
  • On this day, various facilities are lighted up blue all over the world, and several events and symposiums related to diabetes are held.
     Be more specific about the "various facilities."
  • The blue light up comes from the World Diabetes Day's symbol "blue circle."
  • The blue light up comes from the World Diabetes Day's symbol of a "blue circle."
  • However, according to a study at Northwestern University published in PLOS ONE in this year, the risk of diabetes might increase by being exposed blue light.
  • However, according to a study at Northwestern University published in PLOS ONE in this year, exposure to blue light might increase the risk of diabetes. might increase by being exposed blue light.
Thank you so much for correcting my post! :)

> Be more specific about the "various facilities."
I understand and I'll be more careful next time.
By the way in Japan, hospitals, TV towers, castles, and government managed buildings were lighted up blue.